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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Dr. Kina S. Mallard

Reinhardt’s President Dr. Kina S. Mallard continues to raise the University’s profile by serving the institution as chair of the Georgia Independent College Association Trustee (GICA) for the next two years.

“I am honored to serve as chair for the Georgia Independent College Association, leading the presidents of our private institutions,” said Mallard.

In addition to the Board, Mallard will chair both the executive and finance committees. She will participate in all meetings, facilitate the annual review of GICA and its president, and provide input on the association’s activities, as it relates to policy and membership.

“This is another example of Reinhardt’s recognition and increased profile across the state of Georgia. GICA’s 24-member institutions provide education for over 68,000 students in the state. The institution ensures the voice of private institutions is heard and lobbies on their behalf,” said Mallard.

Mallard’s position will also allow her to assist in special legislative visits as an ambassador for GICA’s private colleges.

Mallard’s involvement on the GICA board serves Reinhardt University students, faculty and staff. Faculty and staff can receive resources for mentoring programs and training on a variety of topics. Mallard said purchasing partnerships reduce cost and open access to further their education.

For students, GICA lobbies to keep Tuition Equalization Grants and the HOPE and Zell Miller scholarships, keeping private education affordable.

“For alumni, GICA increases Reinhardt’s visibility to maintain its reputation as a first-choice option through its participation and leadership in professional and state organizations,” she said.

Mallard’s two-year term begins this month.  Many exciting opportunities await as Mallard steps into her new role, continuing her dedicated investment at Reinhardt University.