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Lehigh Carbon Community College


Reinhardt’s new Director of Residence Life and Community Standards looks forward to sustaining and improving life on campus. Tyler Anderson-Majors brings experience from working as a resident director and hearing officer at the University of Illinois-Springfield and as a residence life assistant coordinator at Barton Community College in Kansas.

Anderson-Majors intends to build on the importance of community, encourage involvement, and raise occupancy of on-campus housing by learning what students want to experience, “Reinhardt has a solid historical tradition. Living on campus is such a significant part of the university experience, that it’s important for me within residence life, to take an interest in that, in students, and their living styles. Making sure the students want to live here is very important to me.” He also emphasized his desire to build on existing opportunities, including the University’s connection with the Waleska community.

Interfacing with different people, handling crises, and supervising community standards and student conduct are all factors that appeal to Anderson-Majors. Utilizing his degrees in Political Science and Intelligence and Security Studies, Anderson-Majors aspires to become a diplomat someday. He notes that some of the most prominent diplomats came from working in higher education and explained, “What I like about housing is that it gives me the ability to be diplomatic. I get to supervise the next generation. I’m trying to figure out what they want to see on campus, just like in diplomacy.”