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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Amanda and her son Landon, and their dog, Finn

Job Title: Admission Counselor

I am the admissions counselor for the Professional Studies and Graduate Programs. I assist those students through the admissions process, from when they submit their application until their first day of class. I have a passion for helping students any way possible, and I am excited about my new role.

What is your favorite holiday tradition? 

My favorite holiday tradition is watching Christmas movies. We use to always watch “A Christmas Story” every year while I was growing up. I have passed that tradition down to my son, who is 14. He loves it!

What is the most memorable gift you have given?

My most memorable gift I have given was a surprise trip to Disney World and Universal Studios to my son. I booked the trip in July and had to keep the secret until Christmas. It was torture! I waited until the morning of the trip to tell him. I woke him up and told him he had 20 minutes to get ready because we were going to the airport. It was also his first time on an airplane. It was truly magical.

What brought you joy this past year?

Accepting the position at Reinhardt, completing my masters degree, and meeting my boyfriend brought me great joy.

Any New Year’s resolutions?

I don’t set New Year’s resolutions, I set “goals” for the year. One of my goals for 2022 is to apply to a doctoral program.