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Reinhardt University and Kennesaw State University have entered into a unique partnership. Called the Eagle-Owl Pathway, Reinhardt students will have the opportunity to complete an undergraduate degree while starting a master’s degree program at KSU.

This bridge program affords Reinhardt Eagles the opportunity to obtain two degrees faster and at a significantly lower cost than if they pursued each degree independently. Reinhardt will have the ability to offer its students options for obtaining master’s degrees in fields not currently offered.

Initially, the first undergraduate majors that will be eligible for this program are Mathematics majors with the opportunity to fulfill a Master’s degree at KSU in Intelligent Robotic Systems in a 4 + 1 dual degree model. The hope is to be able to expand this to include other STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) majors at both universities.

The program is designed to aid in increasing STEM-prepared individuals for current workforce needs. As illustrated through the signings between KSU President Kathy Schwaig and Reinhardt President Mark Roberts, the Provosts, and the Department Deans, this partnership offers newfound opportunities for students.

“The Eagle-Owl Pathway agreement is evidence that private higher education and public higher education can work together to ensure Georgia and our nation has graduates that are broadly educated, technically flexible, and eager life-long learners,” stated President Roberts. “When a student combines the personalized and challenging higher learning experience that is offered at Reinhardt with the stellar graduate education offered through the accomplished faculty-engineers at KSU, that student maximizes opportunities in a myriad of ways. I am grateful to Regent Gudenrath (RU ’71) and President Schwaig and her academic team for working with Dr. Santoro and Dr. Miles to ensure this agreement came to full fruition. It’s a win-win for all.”