Alex Mahan ’15 spoke to the conference about a project she and her classmates supported through the McCamish School of Business at Reinhardt for “Imagine No Malaria,” a mission emphasis by the United Methodist Church to bring an end to death and suffering from malaria. The Spring 2015 Business 498 Nonprofit Marketing Strategies class was led by Dr. Dana Hall, an assistant professor of business at Reinhardt and a member of Canton First United Methodist Church.
Their class’ goal was to raise awareness and raise $1,000. The students gained real world experience and in the process, raised a total of $1,060.15 this semester.
Hall commended the students for their hard work. “One hundred percent of this goes directly to mission (thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). Ten dollars saves a life, so the efforts of these eight fine young men and women mean that 106 lives are saved.”
The other students who took part in the class were:
- Michael Coleman
- Blake Hallman
- Christian Hill
- Abel Ramirez
- Calvin Robertson
- DJ Sellers
- Carley Shoemaker
For more on this, please check back later this week.
Musical Talents Shared
Keren Morales, an upcoming sophomore and Common Ground worship leader at Reinhardt, was a part of the worship band for Annual Conference.
Reinhardt’s New President Dr. Kina S. Mallard Blessed by Prayer
Reinhardt administrators and staff helped publicize Reinhardt during the 2015 Annual Conference for the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church in Athens, Ga., in June 2015. The conference brings together clergy and church members from all 875 United Methodist churches across North Georgia. At the request of Reinhardt alumnus Mathew A. Pinson ’05, who is conference lay leader, Bishop B. Michael Watson led the conference in prayer for Mallard and her leadership of Reinhardt University. Read the text of Dr. Mallard’s speech >

Alumni and friends get an opportunity to reconnect during the Reinhardt dinner
Reinhardt Dinner for Alumni and Friends Draws Record Crowd
Almost 100 Reinhardt United Methodist and Athens-area alumni, along with friends and future students, like Ariel and Marybeth (pictured at right) attended a BBQ dinner hosted by the University to introduce President Dr. Kina Mallard. The event was held at the Hilton Garden Inn across from the Classic Center.

Dr. Mallard answers a question from Tonya Murphy, the president of the Conference United Methodist Women and the parent of an incoming freshman.
Mallard Gives Keynote Speech at Laity Luncheon
Dr. Mallard also had the opportunity to give the keynote address at the Laity Luncheon during Annual Conference. Approximately 775 church members from across North Georgia were in attendance. She also submitted her talk for publication in the conference journal.