Last year, the Reinhardt University family provided for seven families at R.M. Moore Elementary School. Be on the look out for tags in Support Services, which are expected to be available before Thanksgiving.
The Giving Tree at Reinhardt University is a longstanding tradition that gets the entire community involved in giving during the holiday season.
Reinhardt University partners with R.M. Moore Elementary School in Waleska to provide Christmas gifts for families in the community who otherwise would not be able to provide gifts for their children.
To participate, Reinhardt students, faculty and staff can retrieve an angel tag from a tree located in the Support Services Office in the Burgess Administration Building. These tags are specific to each child in need and indicate something on the child’s wish list.
“It is a joy every year to be able to come together and make families’ Christmas wishes come true,” said Janna Moore, coordinator of development services & stewardship at Reinhardt University. “It is important to remember to be thankful for what we have and to recognize that not everyone has everything they need. It is also a good way to give back to the community and to stay involved with our local schools.”
Last year, Reinhardt University assisted seven families in the community with children ranging from 10 months old to 18 years old. Families in need are identified by the local school, and the wish lists are provided to Reinhardt’s Office of Advancement and Marketing.
The Giving Tree once again will be set up in Support Services and, on average, about 30-50 members of the Reinhardt family participate each year. Giving Tree tags typically go fast, so those interested should retrieve their Angel Tags from Support Services. The tags will be available before Thanksgiving, according to Moore. Once a child’s wish list is fulfilled, gifts should be wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree in the Office of the President. Gifts should be delivered to the President’s Office no later than Dec. 14.
For more information or questions, contact Janna Moore at (770) 720-5621 or JMM@Reinhardt.edu.