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Freshman Aidan Blockley sings the Reinhardt Anthem alongside his fellow classmates of the Class of 2022 at the New Student Induction Ceremony Aug. 23. Photo by Jordan Beach

By Jordan Beach

The first week at Reinhardt is always a busy one for freshmen. And, with significant changes to Reinhardt’s first year experience program – including programmatic changes to Welcome Week, revamping of the traditional New Student Induction Ceremony and the addition of a host of new opportunities for freshman to connect and engage with their class and the larger University community –  freshman Aidan Blockley was challenged on many levels.

Blockley, the second in his family to attend Reinhardt after his sister Annese Blockley, a junior early childhood education major, says he viewed the school’s “promise of an academic playground” and fell in love.

“I don’t take change that well, but I think after I’ve gotten used to this new schedule, I’ll get better,” said Blockley, a criminal justice major.

One of the first attributes Blockley appreciated about Reinhardt was its beauty and viewing the size of campus intimidating at first. “As soon as I stepped on campus, I was overwhelmed by how gorgeous the grounds were.”

“I have a love for learning, and there’s so many classes I want to explore before I reach my upper level courses,” he said.

With his first week behind him, Blockley is looking forward to settling in, making new connections and exploring his academic options as the year proceeds. “I’m feeling optimistic about my future at Reinhardt, and I can’t wait to see where God takes me!”