Campus Climate Survey
Reinhardt University is dedicated to fostering a caring community. Every student at Reinhardt has a right to an education free from discrimination, and Reinhardt is committed to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to fully benefit from the school’s programs and activities.
Sexual violence, sexual harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence can interfere with a student’s academic performance and emotional and physical well-being. Preventing and remedying sexual misconduct at Reinhardt is essential to ensuring a safe environment in which our students can learn and thrive.
The overall goal of the survey is to provide Reinhardt with important information on campus sexual misconduct prevalence and responses. Please follow the link below to access and complete the survey.
Your voice is extremely important, and we want you to feel comfortable in answering these questions freely and honestly. Your confidentiality is a priority, and whatever information you share on this survey cannot be identified: we cannot access your IP address or link your survey to your name, student ID, or email address.